The Sourdough Project: Week 7

This week we practiced going through protocols in CLC. I found this process to be relatively easy but did not understand what I was doing. It was easy enough to go through the steps to complete the practice this week but I did not understand much of what the program was analyzing and creating graphs of. What I found most challenging was understanding what was happening during the “demultiplexing 16S/ITS regions” steps. I had no idea what was happening during this section and had a hard time interpreting the results. This assignment took me a couple of hours.

This is the very last graph I made, The UNITE OTU graph. I couldn’t figure out how to make the image not blurry, so bear with me, please. This graph is describing the fungal makeup of the samples given. 96% of the results were a member of the fungi family as associated with the inner ring. The outer ring demonstrates the species makeup of all the fungi represented in these samples. 96% of all the fungi were the species Ascomycota. by clicking on that section another graph will pop up that will describe the specific makeup of the Ascomycota seen in these samples. I thought these graphs were a very cool way to organize the data in a representative and organized manner.

Overall my questions from last week remain the same. They are as follows:

    1. How did the microorganisms found in the control samples compare to the fruit samples for each person?
    2. Did the number of bacteria versus fungi and yeast affect the rising rate of each sample?
    3. How did the location the fruit came from, affect the microbe composition between all of the sequenced fruit samples?